amoozeshe estefade az exodus
kheili az doostan goftan kar ba exodus
ham to web bezar....aval begam exodus yeki az behtarin barname'haye
jabber baraye pc hast ke xml ham dare va kar bahash asoone..yechizie
mesle bombusmod mobile....baraye conncet kardane id khod ba exodus
marahele zir ra anjam dahid:
be ghesmate file>my profile>modif profile... beravid
inja dar ghesmate jabber id nimbuzz khod ra hamrah ba vared horofe kochik..password id'toon ro ham
payinesh vared konid
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] injoori
file>connect ra agar kadri baz shod...passworde id'toon
ro dar kadre baaz shode vared konid...ta inja marhale online shodan ro
goftam..mipardazim be edame
baraye raftan be room marahele zir ra anjam dahid:
be ghesmate people>conference>join>create new/conference Room beravid
ghesmate conference Room server: ra vared konid
va dar ghesmate conference Room name: esmer room ra vared konid..masalan
finish ra bezanid va varede room shavid
agar mikhahid az code xml estefade konid be in ghesmat beravid:
window>view>show debug xml beravid va ba click rast gozine pas ra bezanid ya roye keyboard Ctrl+V ra vezanid